Health Services
Contact Us

Jackie Fulton-Townsend-LPN
708-331-1390 Ext. 403

Jane Daughrity -LPN
708-333-0440 Ext. 510

Cathy Hogan - RN
Maya Angelou
708-333-0740 Ext. 613

Barbara Welcher - RN
708-331-1130 Ext. 312

Irma Richardson - LPN
708-333-6390 Ext. 218
What if my student needs medication at school?
Students should not take medication during school hours or during school-related activities unless it is necessary for a student's health and well-being. When a student's licensed health care provider and parent/guardian believe that it is necessary for the student to take a medication during school hours or school-related activities, the parent/guardian must request that the school dispense the medication to the child and otherwise follow the District's procedures on dispensing medication.
Does the school provide vision and hearing screenings for students?
Your student will be participating in a school-based screening program conducted by certified hearing and vision technicians. Screening is a simple method by which children with a potential problem may be identified. Vision and hearing screening tests, which shall not be considered examinations, shall be conducted in accordance with rules and regulations of the Department of Public Health, and by individuals whom the Department of Public Health has certified.
Per Public Act 093 - 0504 vision screening will be done, as mandated, for the following students: preschool, kindergarten, second-graders and eighth-graders new to the school district, students receiving special education services, and teacher referrals. Vision screening is not a substitute for a complete eye and vision evaluation by an eye doctor. Your child is not required to undergo this vision screening if an optometrist or ophthalmologist has completed and signed a report form indicating that an examination has been administered within the previous 12 months and that evaluation is on file at the school. This notice is not a permission to test and is not required to be returned. Vision screening is not an option. If a vision examination report is not on file at the school for your child, your child in the mandated age/grade/group will be screened.
The following populations/grades are mandated for hearing screening in Illinois: preschool, kindergarten, first, second, third, special education, teacher referrals and students new to the District. In lieu of the screening services required, a completed and signed report form indicating that the child has had an ear examination by a physician and an audiological evaluation completed by an audiologist within the previous 12 months is acceptable. In cases of known hearing loss, an audiological evaluation completed by a licensed audiologist within the previous 12 months may be accepted instead of threshold monitoring services.
What if my student has an injury?
If your student is injured and requires activity restrictions for PE/recess during the school day, a written note from his/her doctor stating the specific activity restrictions and their duration must be on file at your student's school. Please also remember to provide to your student's school, a note from the doctor releasing your student to normal activities when the doctor deems your student safe to resume normal activities. If your child needs to use crutches while at school, a doctor's note is also required. Please understand that if your child must sit out of PE per an MD order, he or she must also sit out of recess.
What if my child has allergies?
Please contact your school nurse and your student's teacher regarding any student allergies as soon as possible prior to the start of the school year. Your school nurse will review your student's health and allergy information and discuss the need for an individual health care plan for your student's safety at school.
What if my child becomes ill or injured during the school day?
Please make sure your contact information (phone number and email address) is up-to-date so that we may be able to reach you if your child becomes ill or injured while at school.
What if my student is new to District 152?
If your student is a new incoming student to District 152 and is transferring from a school in Illinois, you are responsible for all state school entrance requirements. Your previous school district should send your student's health records to District 152 stating if your student is up-to-date and in compliance. Students entering the early childhood program, Kindergarten, sixth and ninth grades need a current physical completed within the past year. Students moving into the District have 30 calendar days, beginning with the first day of enrollment in the District, to present proof of physical examination and up-to-date immunizations.
If your student is transferring from out of state, you must present his or her up-to-date immunization records at the time of registration. If your child is missing any immunizations, you have 30 days from the date of registration to obtain the necessary immunizations. If the student is missing immunizations that will need longer than 30 days to complete, an approved immunization schedule must be submitted from a physician to the school nurse. Proof of a current physical examination (within past year) that meets the requirements of the State of Illinois or proof of a physical exam completed in Illinois must be submitted before the student can attend.
Students who participate in extracurricular athletic programs within the school district are required to have an annual physical examination. Students are excluded from extracurricular athletic completion until the report of such an examination is on file.
In accordance with a provision of the School Code of Illinois, students objecting to physical examinations on religious grounds shall not be required to submit themselves thereto, if they present to the Health Service Coordinator a statement of such objection signed by a parent/guardian of the student. As of 8/12/15, there is now a change in the requirement in relation to religious objection and vaccines. Please contact the building nurse for more information.